I think I may have a stalker....

well mayb he isn't a stalker just listen to why I feel kinda weirded out...

well u c there is the guy who has recently moved to my skl and stuff and he seems to b in a few of my classes.

the other day I ran into him by accident and apologised and he just stared at me. at first I was like 'sorry I didn't mean to' then he smiled and said 'its.....(long pause) ok.'
I didn' think much of it until I had chemisty. I was over by the chemicals and stuff burning things as usual and everytime I came back to collect chemicals he followed me in and kept grabbing the same bottle.
then later on, well u know I tend to wear alot of rings and stuff, and I was just doin some work and he came over and asked me whether if he could try on one of my rings.
I said no politeley.


then today I ran into him again except this time he grabbed my arm and said ' I like ur bag' I was like out of there in like 2 seconds

first of all now I don't care much on looks but this guy ain't no prince charming and he constatly stares. normally I just let crushes walk on by but this is kinda taking it to the extreme!

plus personally I think Im quite ugly as well so u know..

I have to talk to gemma about this. she'll know who he is. hopefully.
September 22nd, 2008 at 07:54pm