Let me be free!!!!!!

Okay, my mom is being a witch!!!! But replace the w with a b and you have the right word! My mom will not let me get a lip ring!!!! The one I wear is fake. She is being so mean! She says it's b/c only emo's have them!!!! She doesn't want me to start cutting myself and taking drugs. My step mom let me get a tattoo and my tongue pierced. My mom got so mad at me. Okay, I know I should of told her, but it's my body! I'm not on drugs and I don't want to be! I don't go selling myself on the street corner! All I want to a lip ring! I asked for a eyebrow piercing instead, but No. I can't have that! I can't Even get my ears pierced more than once! I is so un fair! And I know life isn't fair, but give me so freedom here!!!! And after our talk about the lip ring, she goes and call my dad! They never talk and now they do! It's all b/c of me!!! How bad my grades are, how my hair is, my clothes. One time I wrote a few evil things in my book and my mom made me take them off! I can't be me with her around!!!! When I went away for the summer she was so nice before I left! And when I got back she was the same evil that she always was. I just want to scream!!!! I went to talk to someone about our fights and by mistake told my mom. She got so mad, said she was hurt that I did that to her! I have to go, i'm cutting it short! My mom and step dad are watching me...... I just want to be free....... :(
September 23rd, 2008 at 01:54am