23-9-08: China,Nanny, Angela and Education!

Well I've since my last post started school. It's alright just really boring. I swear this school has the least amount of trouble makers ever; There is absolutely no one to provide me with entertainment during these 90 min. classes!! Bleh It makes me anticipate graduation all the more. I've decided what I want to study in college finally. I want to study..... Fashion Marketing because than I can work anywhere and I'd get to travel and meet cool people!!! I'm so excited for that career already!!!

Now don't pity me yet, I do have a life outside of school! lol I started talking to Angela again after she did this huge apology thing. I can't help myself I ALWAYS forgive easy. You could say break my nose *stupid Rodger and his big head* and I'll feel bad that your feeling guilty. Its ridiculous I look back and was like wtf was I thinking but w.e "I yam what I yam". I've also been plagued by a wave of migraines. Not so fun. A bit of sad news though my nanny died at the age of One oh one last Monday. I was pretty upset about that. My Grandma also got put back in the hospital her emphysema is acting up. I've maintained good spirits though. Through the music of McFly They really do make me happy. Also shes in a better place. The Old Irish saying goes may you live a hundred years with one more to repent so I think shes covered.

Did anyone hear about those poor kids in China who got sold poisoned milk!!?!?!?! Wtf how did poison end up in their milk(like at the factory so it got in baby formula and candy etc.) Their all sick and a bunch are dying really wtf the govt. should be checking that stuff. Poor people its not enough they have to work in those sweat shops for nothing. They take the minuscule pay check and buy milk only to have that kill them! Well thats all I can think of to write about for right now. ...........
So Any questions or If your bored wanna talk McFly I've got no life comment/message me.
September 23rd, 2008 at 11:16pm