
Sorry to bother you, but how long does it usually take for an article to go from"pending" to getting published on the site. I was just wondering. Thanks.
Also, on a similar subject (not really), HOW CAN I GET THE ORANGE OFF OF MY PROFILEYNESS?!? I seriously do NOT want all of my stories and whatnot in ORANGE. I want it in blue, but no matter what I do, I CANNOT make it un-orange.
Lastly, on a totally unrelated topic, HAS EVERYONE SEEN GERARD WAY'S NEW HAIR?!?!? It looks absolutely ridiculous. It is RED, people. Hayley Williams flipping RED. We cannot let this man near hair dye EVER AGAIN. Or skizzors. Unless the dye is black or dark brown.
Thanks again.

September 24th, 2008 at 05:28am