Missing You!!!!!

Well here it goes. Everything I'm thinking at this moment
I miss my family. I'm a completley different state away from anyone i know. Hundreds of miles away. All I can think about is seeing them again.
And then i wrote something last night while thinking about my family.

Smiling for no reason at all
Remembering you face
Laughing on the inside about the past
Pretending to be mad at you
Sneaking out late
Walking in the snow storm
Kissing in the rain
Just being in your presence
Missing You

I just miss my family. My family consists of my mom, my dad, my step-mom all my siblings, my bestest friend, my co-workers, and The guy who has my heart but doesn't know it.
Hopefull february will roll around fast enough for me to see them again, If not well, i guess i'll be here.
September 24th, 2008 at 06:39pm