Something To Say About My Mind

I seriously need to get my brain checked out. There are times during the week when someone will ask me about something I said to them or something I did and I have no clue what they are talking about. then they tell me when I said or did it and where we were at when it happened and I wouldn't remember going there or anything in that aloted time space.

I have ADD which is Attention Deficit Disorder (don't know if I spelled that right). I will start speaking to someone and I will see something and get distracted very easily. Usually it is an animal or something shiny. I cannot concentrate on my school work unless I am listening to music and have something to kneed in my hand.

My mind is probably overloaded with information. All the time there are at leat 40 thoughts whizzing through my mind at one time. Probably the reason why I blurt things out alot.

I will discuss very akward subjects. I speak very loudly at times. I forget the name of objects such as the fridge, cheese, tree, cat, puppy, and car. When put on the spot, ALL thoughts go poof.

I say "OWWWWWW!!!" alot when someone just barely bumps me, even though it doesn't hurt. When people make loud "bang" sounds, I yell, "OWWW YOU BROKE MY LEG!" and run off. I walk around my old Algebra teacher's class room barefoot. I lounge on other people. I sing "Fer Sure" by The Medic Droid while standing in the lunch line. I like to pet people's hair. I hug people ALOT. I get upset when someone walks right by me without even saying hello.

I have OCD, Obsessive Compulsive Disorder. I organize things by type, color and alot of other things. my closet is organized, my books are organized. I get so upset when i see something out of order.

I have a fear of being alone and a fear of crowds so it gets very akward for me at times.
I whine alot.

thanks for listening to me yak about myself now if you have any thing to say, please comment or message me.
September 25th, 2008 at 04:11am