Job? Yes, please!

Okay, so right now I'm extremely nervous... Reason: I've got a job interview tomorrow morning at 9am. I was just looking up some advice about job interviews on a web site in an attempt to make myself calmer and feel a bit more prepared, but it had the opposite effect.

I've tried not to get my hopes up about this job, main reason being I have NO experience what so ever for this kind of job and so I've got no "skills" what so ever to fall back on. I mean, if they don't like me as a person I'm screwed. Therefore I have to try and convince the interviewer/interviewers that I'm a bloody nice person... And I absolutely LOVE to talk and I'm SO good at it too! Note the sarcasm.

At the same time, it's hard not to get my hopes up about this job... I really want it, from what I've learned so far it seems really good. The extra good thing about it is that the store is just starting up, meaning almost everyone there will be newly employed at the same time.
Also, if I don't get this job I'm not sure what I will do. I've sent in applications for millions of jobs and I've heard NOTHING from anyone except from this store... So if they'll turn me down I'm going to go bury myself. Seriously. I'm depressed as it is about my job situation and I feel like a complete failure for not being able to get myself a job. And it's like whenever you have something on your mind; there's constant reminders of it EVERYWHERE you go. I just feel like a huge waste of space that does nothing for the world right now.

Obviously the financial situation is pretty crap too. I live with my parents so there's no risk of me ending up on the street... But I can't do anything, almost. Everyone's like "Hey, we should go grab a coffee one day!" and I'm not able to go. I don't even have money for ONE lousy stinking coffee, doesn't matter how cheap it is. And, even if we wouldn't go anywhere to do something that costs I wouldn't be able to get there either for the simple reason that the journey itself would cost me. It's all evil.

On top of it, everyone's like "Hey, you'll get a job soon! Don't worry." Yeah, how do YOU know?! Pssh.

Woah, this turned out to be quite the rant. I really needed to get this out of my system, not that it helps but hopefully I'll feel a bit better soon. Oh, and wish me luck tomorrow! I'll need it.

September 25th, 2008 at 01:49pm