What Should I do?


What should I do now...?
Having feelings for one of my good friends....?

Today, on our annual class trip (this year to Cali), I had a brief realization about how I felt for one of my good friends (who's a girl BTW...). Does this mean that I'm gay? Or is it just a girl-crush...? Hmmm... Jessi, who's practically a guy to me but yet still a girl, is one of my good friends and I think i like her more than a friend.

I HAVE to tell Diana like now! She'll now what to do. I call her over to tell her. Yet, when I tell her, she doesn't seem surprised at all... What?
OMG I feel so weird... Thinking of a girl that way.
She reassures me that it happens at our types of schools (All-Girls) and that it's probably just a girl-crush. But it still feels weird and strange. JESSI?!?

As we ride the bus to Los Angeles from Pasadena I have lots of time to think about my sitch. What does it mean? Why? Why a girl? WHY???
But you know what the most awkward thing about this whole thing is that she's like a gf (good friend) to so naturally.... SHES SITTING RIGHT NEXT TO ME!!!

(thats it for now)
September 25th, 2008 at 10:37pm