Myspace Rant

Note: just dont hate me if you have one of these

so..hi its me again. but this time i got another thing to rant about. so if i offend you in anyway sorry. but its my opinion and its how i feel so yea.

so here i go...

Okay Myspace...Everyone has it well mostly everyone. To I think it is really stupid and boring. You guys are probably thinking. "Great here she goes again. Bitch..." But really though i dont care anymore about Myspace. Really think about do you all think its really safe even though you have it on Private or what not. Can you really trust the Guy who makes it..enough to believe it is okay and nothing will happen to you. Yea i know what your gonna say now. "But you trust Dujo enough to stay on this site." Yea well you all do. One difference is that not a lot of bad stuff happens about this site. People barely know this site, let alone everyone else knowing about Myspace. I mean whats so good about it. Yea you talk to your "friends" HELLO.....Thats why they make Yahoo Messenger and MSN Messenger. DUH!!!

Sometimes i believe one day that something will really bad happen and they will shut down Myspace for good. Then you'll all will regret having one. Really think about it...why would you be on something that dangerous. Yea Yea i know this place could be dangerous...yea but "WE" can figure out the fakes on this site and Pedos on this site and tell the people even Dujo about it and who ever it is will be banned. Frankly you guys complain on myspace cause there are so many fakes. THEN DO SOMETHING ABOUT IT GOD. THEN COMPLAINING about them. I know you guys are smart enough to say something about it.

To me no offence Myspace is a completely fake site where the guy made it only had no time on his hands and wants all the little boys and girls he wants. Think about it really...Can you trust the guy who made Myspace? or are you just really stupid enough to believe that everything on that site is okay. Really i dare you to think about it. I know I have and my life is getting a little better knowing that i dont have one of those sick demented fake Myspace page's.

so yea thanks for reading this i know you all hate me now. sorry to offend you all that have one. Feel free to comment. Oh and Thanks for reading this.

September 26th, 2008 at 10:44pm