New Green Day Album Confirmed

Today as I was about to log into my GSB Account... I came across the home page of I came across heart pumping news! Well for me anyways.

The frontman of the Plain White Tees was interviewed at a Malibu Recording spot, as he was being interviewed the Green Day guys came out unexpected checking out the studio... I'll let you read the rest!

In an interview with the Marin Independent Journal, Tom Higgenson (who you may know as the frontman of Plain White Tees) made a comment involving a potential recording project of Green Day. It seems the band was interested in a potential Malibu recording spot.

"One day after a run on the beach, Higgenson came home just as Billie Joe Armstrong and the other members of Green Day arrived unannounced to say hello and check out the house for a recording project of their own."

In addition to hinting at a new recording, Higgenson also managed to let on that he was a Green Day fan as well...

"The title track on "Big Bad World" smacks of Green Day, reviewers say, and Higgenson admits he and his bandmates were a bit starstruck when their heroes showed up.

"We were trying to play it cool, but in our heads we were going 'Holy. É,' and our hearts were beating real hard," he recalls with a laugh.

(PS The italic is from the website I'm not sure if this is true or not, but I promised Green Day news... and I plan to keep that promise. Anyways... enjoy!)
September 27th, 2008 at 01:36am