Starbucks!!! ...?

Hey dudes and dudetts!!! (wha...?)
Today in school I was talking to my friends and I realized that I was THE ONLY ONE that has never been to starbucks!!! Well, I guess if you don't count the hot chocolate that I got there when I was like, seven...haha!!
My friends pretty much dared me to get something from there this weekend. AND I literally don't know anything about anything when it comes to starbucks.
I think it would be totally awesome if you guys could tell me something super duper yummy to get there so I don't look like a retatrded weenie and start stuttering or something :)
haha yeah, I'm pretty indecisive :P
This is for all those coffee addicts I know are out there!!!!
: ) thhhaannkkk-youuuuuu!!!
September 27th, 2008 at 01:56am