Is That What It's Come To?

I hate to have a complaint like this as my first journal post. But honestly, it's been bugging me for the past few weeks. Now I would like to ask you all an important question: isn't it important to be independent? If we weren't independent, we would just be annoying, lifeless cling-ons, wouldn't we?

Well, here's the story. I've had a past relationship that I really thought would work out. It was a year and a few months before we called it quits and started to just be friends. But, during the relationship, we would argue constantly. One of our arguments would be over my being independent. Apparently...I'm not supposed to be independent? Does anyone see a problem with that?

I was raised to be an independent young woman. Someone that doesn't have to hang on to people and be led around by them like a little puppy. So, of course, I find that confusing. Independent is what you're supposed to be, isn't it? But anyways, the conflict doesn't officially start there. It starts with my best friend. You see, my best friend knew my ex (and still does). It's just a whole giant society of people knowing the brothers/friends/ yadiyadiya of everyone else.

One day at school, my best friend told me that my ex and her were texting back and forth. He asked her why and if I had another boyfriend yet. She said no. And then he texted her back that the reason why was because I was too independent to have/think I need another boyfriend. Of course, my friend chewed him out after that. But, really? Are you serious?

The real reason why I don't have another boyfriend is because I think it's time to focus on me and my life. It's time to worry about making me happy, not anyone else.

What has the world come to if suddenly, independency is not a good thing? If suddenly, being independent is a crime? Am I supposed to be dependent?

How stupid is that? When has being independent ever been a crime? What do you all think, shouldn't being independent be something to pride in?
September 27th, 2008 at 08:21am