Ode To a Popcorn Ball (Or why I am torn between happy and annoyed)

It's the first day of the spring school holidays.

I've been almost surgically attached to my bike ever since the weather changed from freezer to oven almost overnight. And I haven't ridden my bike for 5 years because the chain broke and the tires died and I eventually forgot I had it.. And now I ride it everywhere. No helmet of course. I'm a rebel O.o

And I'm happy simply because of the warm weather. All it takes is a cloudless blue sky and and warm breeze during the day and night to make me happy. I haven't closed my window in days and I'm actually welcoming the mosquitoes that are sucking my blood until they meet a horrible fate, from Mr Handsquish =)

But, the reason I could be annoyed, is because there are 7 other kids here under the age of 10. My two brothers, my sister, and four cousins, who are all brother and sister too. And they are painfully annoying. I can hear one now who won't stop coughing. No doubt we'll all be kept awake by that. They literally scream instead of talking, and have to break everything.
Two of them were wrestling on my bed, after I told them so many times not to, and broke my sunglasses. I'd just bought a new PS2 game (coz yes, I haven't upgraded to a PS3 or XBox 360 or anything yet), and I went to work for three hours, hoping that they'd be decent enough to stay out of my room, and when I came home they'd been all through my room touching / breaking stuff. They were in there because the PS2 is in my room (because they can't be trusted with anything, they had a Nintendo Wii in their room and they broke it by throwing it at the wall coz they didn't win a game. Nice.) But yeah about the game, it was already badly scratched and had sticky stuff on it. It was also on the ground.

Usually I love kids, but just the ones I'm related to really make me grind my teeth.

And right now I feel like going to sit outside, but if I walked outside Mum would make a big deal thinking I was going off to do something, or one of thedemons kids would follow me out and I'd never get peace.
I just want to sit outside enjoying the warm night air looking at the stars. Is that too much to ask?

I want Guitar Hero so badly... But none of the shops here have it. sssaaadddffaacceee...

And I thought this was too funny not to share...
Go to Youtube and type in "Arby n the chief" and watch every episode and the movie...

Tata =) Gen xx
September 27th, 2008 at 01:44pm