~*~.My lovely horoscope for the day.. Its not so lovely actually. {yeah, yet another horoscope.. sorry}.~*~

Mood: Indescribable.
Listening to: In The End-By: Linkin Park.

Your horoscope for September 27, 2008:

You may be feeling a bit confused today, Kendra, and it may seem as if the wind has suddenly been taken out of your sails. Don't get discouraged by the slow, weightiness of today. Take this opportunity to relax and recharge your battery. Do a bit of inward reflection as opposed to outer-directed movements. The most valuable lesson you need to learn today is patience. Get started on this lesson early and remind yourself of it throughout the day.

{Yeah.. how positive.. right? Meh. Today just feels like 1 of those days that r gonna suck, =[. I am feeling so many things on such a high level I feel like I'm about to burst.. and I don't even know why..}

September 27th, 2008 at 05:00pm