Bored...Spilled My Guts in a Survey

What do the majority of people in your life call you?
Lorra, Lor Lor, or if they're in the mood, Lorra Mae, Rolla, Lor Lor Apple Core.

Last thing to make you smile?
A comment on my Joseph one shot! SQUEE!

Last time you laughed?
IDK...when I was writing a chapter for a new story, something I made the character based on me say was somehow hilarious to me...

Is something bothering you right now?
Not really. I'm hungry and pantsless, but I can fix that pretty fast. I'm feeling very chill at the moment, but I plan on getting high off Coke very soon.

Do you prefer someone taller or shorter than you?
I'm shallow...if he's shorter than me, it will bug me at least a little.

Do you prefer being in an actual relationship, or would you rather have the friends with benefit type thing?
Relationship, most definitely. I don't believe in FWBs, for anyone, but especially not for me. ~Purity ring, y'all!~

Would you rather a guy/girl make the first move or do you like a bit of a challenge?
Ummm, well I've made the move like once or twice...and a few have made the move first... I'ma go with the guy should make the first move, because I sound pathetic and I blush when I try, so yeah.

Are you a religious person?
Yeah. I don't believe in organized religion, not for myself, and I definitely swear WAY too much sometimes (around my brother, ugh), but yes. I'm a Jesus freak, yay me!

Have you ever broken someone's heart?
Yeah...I feel like a terrible person about it too. He's okay, but still.

Have you ever slept with a member of the opposite sex without actually having sex?
Yeah, back in elementary school, his name was like, Frank, or something. And Jake Maine, my best bud, I think we took some naps together. If I did it now no one would care, because all my best guy friends are gay, lolz.

Are you a heavy or light sleeper?
Well since I've managed twice now to sleep the entire day away and miss the rising and setting of the sun entirely, I should probably go with heavy.

What did you do last Saturday night? brother let me drive his new (used) Jeep. Illegally. Because I have no permit or license because I have a vewy small fear of It's a work in progress.

Do you currently hate someone?
It's not really possible for me to hate a person, except for Hitler and Mussolini and all those pricks. Do I DISLIKE someone? Yes, I dislike MANY someones.

Do you like to cuddle?
Yesh...although I would like to experience it NOT trapped in the back of a small car with another couple that's making out a LOT right next to us, because EW! THAT FRENCH GUY WAS SO HANDSY!

Name something great that happened today?
I finished a chapter for a new story! mom bought me a twelve pack of Coke and a burrito!
I know, my life is sooo exciting.

How many different people of the opposite sex have you really cried over?
Ummm, depends, because if you're talking just relationship-wise, not a lot. But let's see, I cried when Heath Ledger died, and John Ritter, Jonathan Brandis, ZTW (Cheeyah!), Layton (relationship), Brady (relationship), and there was this guy I had a crush on who was in a car accident, and I was at school when I found out and no one could tell me if he was all right so I basically started sobbing in the girls bathroom. I cried a lot in the bathrooms at my school...bleh.

Have you ever passed out on the bathroom floor?
OMFG YES!!!!! The only time I've ever passed out was in my bathroom! I was trying to help my poor kitty Demon, he got his leg caught in something, but I accidentally hurt him so he bit my finger. Then I went into the bathroom and I was hyperventilating and I guess I went into shock. I remember closing my eyes while I sat on the edge of the bathtub, and when I opened them again I WAS ON THE FLOOR!!!!! I was so excited when I realized I'd fainted, because I'd always wanted to, just to see what it was like! IT WAS COOL!

Do you like your life as of now?
Oh jeez, I was all excited after that question and then you had to go and ask that...yeah, kinda. It has its moments.

Do you have a crush on anyone?
Yesh, on a few peeps. Although if celebs don't count, that's like five less...JOEKEVINNICKGERARDMIKEY! Lolz, Jersey guys are BOMB!

Where do you hide your money?

How did you wake up this morning?
Ha, funny story, DIDN'T SLEEP.

What's the last bone you broke?
I fractured my ankle when I was six. A stupid van hit me in the McDonald's parking lot. It hurt.

What are you excited about?
IDK...J.O.N.A.S., which I was told would air this month...Frank the Tank's b-day is tomorrow! WOOT!

Do you have any tattoos or piercings?
Ear piercings, wanna get my nose pierced, want a couple tats.

Do you curse a lot?
Sometimes, around my dad and bro...them pottymouths.

What are you not looking forward to?
Getting another job, bleh. Oh, and the future. Yeah. Ugh.

What did your last text message on your mobile say?
That I sent? 'I KNOW AND IT PISSES ME OFF!' It's cuz my cell phone alarm never wakes me up, so I keep missing Terminator, House, and Bones. GAH!

Has anyone disappointed you recently?
Yah, my friends, a little. Disney Channel, CUZ WHEN'S THE SHOW STARTING, DAMN IT!

Where are you?
On my bed, in my sweet room, with Happy Bunny and the Jo Bros and the Joker staring at me. WHY SO SERIOUS, LOVEBUG? LIKE I NEED YOUR APPROVAL.

Have you met anyone this summer?
Yes, I was a canvasser, I met hundreds of people, and many of them were not very nice. 'We're voting Republican. Buh-bye.'

What do you want for your birthday?
I have my laptop, what else do I need? Lolz, Three Cheers For Sweet Revenge, that sweet leather journal in B Dalton's, good-smellin' stuffs from Bath and Body, a visit from my Katiebear cuzzie, my Addiekins cuzzy, my Shawny, my Timmy and Ricky! Come on, you two, what's so special about North Carolina anyway??? I'M MORE ENTERTAINING!!!!!

What color are your eyes?
It varies...hazel. With bits of gold when I'm excited. I think they get greener when I'm upset, and browner when I'm mad.

When is the last time you were embarrassed?
In a dream recently...can't recall what happened, but I distinctly remember blushing.

Do you usually fall for people you can't have?
Ummm...yus. It sucks. And also blows.

Are you artistic?
*blinks* No, I spent all my summer job money on a laptop because I'm pathetically obsessed with the Internet. Dudes, I'm a writer! And an okay singer (yeah, I know, y'all think I'm better than good, meh), a suckish dancer, and an okay actress. But yesh, I'm incredible artistic with my writing.

How many pills do you take a day?
One, for allergies, which doesn't work too well, but them's the breaks when you DON'T HAVE HEALTH INSURANCE, SCREW YOU DOCTORS, YA BLOODSUCKERS!

What was the last item you bought?
Season three of Supernatural! I had to have my boys! DEAN'S BACK FROM HELL NOW, AND HA! AN AAAAANGEL BROUGHT HIM BACK, MR. ANGELS DON'T EXIST!!!!! BWAH!

At what age do you want to be married?
By age 26 or 27 would be nice. My 'rents had me late, so I wanna have my first kid before I'm 30. I hope that's what happens anyway, because my parents couldn't play with me as much as I wanted them to...SAD!

Where is your mom right now?
Hanging in her room, watching Samurai Girl. Brendon Fehr, YUM!

What are you supposed to be doing right now?
Looking for a job...or sleeping.

Have you ever kissed anyone who's name started with a P?
Nah...wait, maybe. Many moons ago, when I was young...Peter? PETER! MY HUSBAND! Dudes, I totally married a kid named Peter at Charlie Brown Daycare when I was like four! LOLZ! Oh, and possibly a boy named Phillip...

Can you play guitar hero?
Never tried, ROCK BAND'S my game. I love the drums!

Do you prefer light or dark haired girls/boys?
Dark usually catches my eye more often.

Are you currently frustrated with a girl/guy?
Nah, it's all good. I'm mellow.

Do you like your life?

Have you ever jumped in the pool with your clothes on?
YAH, TWICE IN ONE SUMMER, AND A RIVER TOO, THE SAME WEEK! AN OUTDOOR POOL IN MY FRIEND'S HOOD, A HOLIDAY INN SWIMMING POOL AFTER HOURS, AND...ah crap, was it like the Mississippi or something? Or whatever...IDK, but we had to walk back a ways, that current got scary strong and then my FLIP FLOPS FRIGGIN' BROKE!

How long have you had myspace?
IDK, like three or four years...I don't do much on it except use Myspace IM a little because Facechat blows.

Have you ever slapped a boy in the face?
Only my brother. But I've wanted to a lot...there aren't many nice guys in my town. I did PUNCH a guy though. I was like, six, and I had a tantrum and punched Jake. I think I was like projecting my anger at my brother onto him, because that's around the time my bro started treating me like crap.

Have you ever not been able to get someone off of your mind?

Who did you hang out with today?
My thoughts...? My cats...?

Have you ever cried while in the shower?
Yeah, only like once, when I thought my dad was doing drugs.

What are you doing tonight?
Working on some stories, including the new TOP SECRET one, and also hopefully SLEEPING!!!

Is there someone you'd really like to hang out with and just talk about stuff?
Yeah...lotsa people. My ex bff for starters. Ditcher.

Is there something that has happened in your past that you really dislike?
Oh baby, that's something everyone can say yes to! Yeah. The Jake punch, the Stebens fiasco, the Ouija incident...bleh.

How was your day today?
Blah. I feel a little accomplished and very tired.

When was the last time you swam?
Two summers ago, in a Holiday Inn swimming pool.
September 27th, 2008 at 10:48pm