Lose Yourself..

Lose yourself in the music.

Let your mind be carried away by the waves of every melody.
Let it be churned by the currents of every harmony.
Let your thoughts resonate with every beat, rise and fall, sway with every voice.
let the music engulf you, capture you and snatch you away to new worlds, new galaxies;
Places where no one and nothing can touch you;
Places where you can't tell which way is up and which is down--
Places where such petty things don't matter anyway.
Places where everything presents itself in obvious forms; every layer is visible.
Places where there are no secrets, no bad surprises, no hidden contempt.
There is no place more beautiful.

I wish to be in such a place.
I wish to shed my layers, lose my protective covering, and give in to the music.
To feel every high and every low as the raw emotion it is.
I wish to free my mind of all its troubles--replace them with sweet, forgiving lyrics.
I wish to ride the waves that I am thrown into when I put my headphones on.
Wish to dunk my head into the ocean of sound...

...and hope and pray that the tide of reality isn't strong enough to pull me ashore.


Just a little on my current thoughts.

Anybody else ever feel like this?

September 28th, 2008 at 05:51am