demi concert

so jonas fans, at my school, have a reputation for being stupid and imiture. thats not me at all (at least i don't think) but for the majority of people, its true. anyway, since people don't want that reputation they tend not to broadcast that they like jonas. There is one girl that was in my homeroom last year that likes jonas, and she attached to me. She's really not that nice of a person, and she is constantly telling my friends that no one likes them. I'm sick and tired of it, and have stopped hanging out with her because of her.
But Demi Lovato, in case you didn't know, is having a concert today at the Texas State Fair at 5:30 today. In case you don't remember, the Jonas Brothers had a concert there last year, and there were over 5,000 people there. People were passing out right and left, and one lady went into labor. Ya. It was insane. Of course, my mother has to be over protective, and wouldn't let me go. To this day i have still not been to a concert. Well this year, when i found out Demi was going to be there, i talked to her about it, and she said that i could go to the concert - IF i could find a way to get there and get back, since i can't drive yet, and my mom has to much on her hands to take me herself.
I talked to a few people, but the only person i could find that was going was the girl i was talking about earlier (i'm not gonna say her name...). Of course i didn't really want to go with her, but i thought, "well, she would be really fun to go to a concert with cause she's so hyper all the time. I guess just this one time..." I talked to my friends about it to make sure they wouldn't be upset if i went with her, cause you guys, she's like REALLY mean to them. and they all said ya, that it was fine or whatever.
So i'm talking to her, she's all like "ya, it would be so much fun to go to the concert together!" So i'm like "ok, well i'm gonna need to know when your mom is gonna pick us up, and when we're gonna leave the fair." She said that was fine, they were planning on getting to the stage around 3:00 so we could be upfront-ish, but she would let me know as soon as she could. You guys, this was like 3 weeks ago. i kept reminding her about it, and she was always like ok, i'll let you know. Well its 2:30 on the day of the concert. and i have still not heard anything. if she didn't want to go with me, she should have just told me. And i told her that. I said "you know, if you don't think its gonna work out, you can just tell me." and she was all like "NO, WE'RE GOING TOGETHER!"
anyway, i really wanted to go to this concert. and now its to late. I'm pretty upset about it. And now i feel really guilty about doing that to my friends. I mean i knew that they didn't like this girl, but i still planned of going to the fair with her. how much lower can i get?
September 28th, 2008 at 09:38pm