Love Is Fictional.

after a while of pondering about love, i began to question its entirity.
i mean, what is love anyways? how do you just fall in love? i dont think its possible, at least not for me.
for all the couples in the world, there are two people who go together nearly perfectly.
well, for what i feel, i am an odd one, and i have no soulmate, which suits me just fine actually. i was just think about how it all works... and when i look at my friends in relationships, they're all perfect... it annoys me quite frankly. they are all so pretty, they never have messy hair, or say completely stupid stuff like me. am i just a bad egg?
but seeing as i have no intention of cloggin up my life with love, i guess it doesnt matter much
i just wish i could be normal in that sense...
September 29th, 2008 at 01:05am