funny stuff man...funny stuff *laughs*

the bus ride home was a little awkward today. or maybe A LOT!!!! ahhh! i dont know!!! i cant decide. whatevs. let me tell u what happened. my friend lauren has friends amaris and francesca. they were on our bus today (their 7th graders and im a 6th grader. they're nice though). and amaris says, "everytime you say anything to my brother like hi or something he says 'racist!' " we all started laughing like crazy. then my friend lauren was like talking about some song sung in like japenese or something like that. enough about that. lets talk about the weird thing my grandma was doing the other day......

The other day, I walk into the livingroom, and my grandma is sitting on the couch listening the japenese opera or something. I said, "Grandma. What are you listening to, japenese opera? Turn it off!" then in her New York accent she says, "For your information, the japenese happen to much smarter than the Americans" then I say, "Yeah. They happen to be smart enough to try to blow us up and bomb our country!" geez . sometimes, she can be SO stupid. well, I'll shut up now. Hey, you guys have any idea how to post stories on here???
September 30th, 2008 at 02:30am