Ask Jonas!

Im not a stalker, im just curious (by the way, you're out of milk)

^ As my bebo skin implies, im a very curious being. I know i am among some brilliant creative minds here, and i was just wondering what you would ask the Jonas Brothers (sorry to dissapoint you if you thought you were actually asking the Jonas Brothers, no. But.... if they decide to come to where i live (which i have word they will) i will compose these questions into a book and give it to them if i can, ok?). You can post as many as you can, but please no questions like "when are you coming to......" coz i will just ignore those (sorry). So this is the set up: Name of Jonas (or all), Question, Name, country (and state if you are in the USA). For example:


Do you sing in the shower?

Kimberley, NZ.

See? Not hard. Just post a question in the comments!

You know you want to!!!

Thanks guys =]
September 30th, 2008 at 04:22am