Updates For Everyoneeee. =]

Well, I was sleeping, but I woke up, and decided I should give everyone a heads up on everything going on and stories. I'll announce a few things with my life. (It's not too interesting. You can skip over it if you'd life.)

Right now, I'm trying SO hard in school, simply because if I don't pass any classes this year, I won't graduate. And, if I don't graduate, I don't get to go to college, which is something I really am looking forward to. I think I'm only applying to one school (I know, not smart), but if I don't get accepted there... I have no idea WHERE else I would get accepted at. I applied to The Art Institute that's about two hours from my house, and I simply love the school. It's just... perfect for me. And I truly hope I get in, especially with my grades being terrible.

Next, stories.

We All Need Somebody ft. Mason Musso - That story is just about over. I have the rest of the story planned out, I just need to write it. I think there is only four parts left (I don't have my planning for the story near me.)

California ft. Trace Cyrus - This story is also almost done. I don't have it planned, but with me not sure how to fill a story with mindless rants and banter lol, the story is ending soon. I say, within the next... hmmm.... five parts? Somewhere around there.

Crazy As A Car Crash ft. Johnny Christ - I have an idea of where I want this to go, I just have to get some inspiration to write it. I like the story, I am just simply lazy haha. This story still has a way until it's over. I estimate around.... ten or fifteen more parts left? Not sure, though.

Your Skin Reflects Behind The Blur ft. Michael Paget - This is what you call my bullshit story lol. About a month ago, I put Raychel, Taylor, Niki, and I into a chat room together and discussed the story and what should happen, since it IS their fault it is even posted lol. That story, however, is FAR from being done.

Precious Time ft. Matt Tuck - I have a general idea on where I want this story to go, and I can honestly tell you, that it is nowhere near done... at least how I see it now lol. I might change my view on it a little later, but right now, I estimate it'll be done around part twenty? Possibly lol.

I Feel The Pressure ft. Craig Mabbitt and Max Green - This story is already being planned out. I have the first few parts planned, but I'm hoping to plan the majority of the story completely out before I continue writing. I'm also hoping to finish my Mason and Trace story before I start writing, but defiantly finish Mason first.

If I Was Perfect Then This Would Be Easy ft. Bret Michaels and Matt Sanders - If you haven't noticed, this story isn't even ON my homepage. I didn't delete it, but it's on a LONGGG hiatus until I get a spontaneous idea for the story.


Angels With Devilish Angles ft. Matt Tuck and Michael Paget - One, I blame this story idea on Niki, even if she doesn't know it lol. This will be a short story for me and Taylor(haha). I'm not going to post it until I'm done writing it, so it might be a little bit, although I do have it planned out.

Untitled Story ft. Bullet For My Valentine - This story has no title yet, but it is somewhat planned out. Taylor and I were just rambling about All Time Low and AIDS(don't ask), and BAM! Story idea lol. It'll be a little bit until that story is out. Defiantly after Mason and Trace are done, but I have no clue on the time frame of when.

I think that's it! Pretty much, I know where I am going with my stories (which if you would've asked me a year ago, I couldn't tell you where I was going with 75% of my stories).


If you remember any finished stories I had on Zilla and would like to see any on here, comment here! I kinda wanna put stories up, but I have no clue which ones lol.

So I'm done with this mindless banter lol. I should probably go back to bed, since I've been asleep most of the afternoon, and I feel sick.

September 30th, 2008 at 05:06am