life!!! :(

Well life pretty much sucks right now!!
1. My mom thinks I’m a fucking screw up!! Her words exactly.
2. i failed this and last six weeks, the reason why my mom thinks I’m a screw up.
3. Beamers gymnastics isn't having a high school competitive squad this coming yr so no cheerleading for me.. : (
4.this stupid Asian kid that i dated screwed me over to go out with his ex who is now his fiancé and now i can't stop thinking about him!!
5. Everyone in gymnastics is getting to go to state cause they aren't dumb asses like me and fail!!
6. I have no true friends at school and it's extremely sad.
7. i hate myself because everyone else seems to.
well yeah life sucks as of right now and I’m trying to make it better and not do something stupid!! yeah i know that there are a lot more ppl out their that have more problems but you don't even know the rest of what is going on so if you think that I’m retarded or what ever do cause you have now clue what else has gone on!!!
April 28th, 2007 at 06:52am