The Hardest Thing Is Saying Goodbye

I don't know how much more my town can take. Eight people lost their lives in the last month in the half. Five of them had a very special place in my heart. I never thought I could cry so much in my sleep. I will miss them so much, but I have now come to terms that it was their time to go.

Kaileigh you were the sunshine in everyone's life. Just all around a goofy person and always knew how to make you feel so much better. Not seeing you on facebook or around town kills me each day. I miss you and I know that you are up there watching down on all of us. May you rest in piece my dear friend.

Craig, what can I say about you? You always loved the sound of laughter. You lived to see us all smiling and laughing. You hated seeing us sad or upset and were always at our sides when we need a friend. I remember when you let me cry on your shoulder when I lost my great grandmother and my best friend at the same time. I will never forget you Craig, I love you my comedian.

Tyler, my friend, we never were able to spend time together because of our age difference. If I could turn back time I would have made sure to pop in and say hi to you more often. Thank you for always being there for me and never giving up on me and the rest of our friends.

Jeremy, you are the most amazing person I know. You never cared about what other people said about you. But there hardly was anything negative about you. You were everybody's friends. The light of the party and heart and soul of all of your friends. I can't believe that you are gone. I'm still in shock. I will always remember you.

Katherine. Oh God Katherine. I remember our conversations in art about the most random things. Or when we were in elementary how we used to throw rocks at boys and then laugh as they chased around the playground. You were such a bright person and very outgoing. I thought you went back to MSU. So when they told me that you had died with Jeremy in the fire it tore my heart in half. You and Jeremy were such a great couple and so adorable. The two of you were a perfect match. I stil can't believe you are gone.

Everytime I see the sun shine down on Coopersville I will think of all of you that have passed on. I don't know how many more deaths Coopersville can handle but we will always stay strong and always remember our loved ones that have moved on. Rest in peace my friends and I will see once again one day. I love you and will miss you with all of my heart.

Love your friend,
September 30th, 2008 at 07:09am