So, I'm thinking about selling my TV.

Seriously. There's no point me really having one. I don't even watch TV. I can watch DVD's on my laptop if I need to, or look up decent shows on tvshack and other such wonderful websites.

I watch a bit of Eastenders and such on the TV downstairs, mam's telly- that one's always on, see, so there's really no need for me to have one any more. I don't watch it, and the DVD on it's fucked.

D'you reckon I'll be able to get any money for it? The DVD player, which is built in, doesn't work and the set itself is a few years old... like... oooh, how old is it? I'm not sure, but I was given it for a birthday when we were still living in Rock Terrace, which is a while ago now.

ugh. my teeth feel horrible. I don't have a toothbrush at the moment, coz I found it last night and it looks well skank, I think someone might have stubbed a fag out on it or shoved it up their arse on saturday night.

Ah, the joy of cleaning your house after a party.

I chucked my toothbrush out, needless to say. I'm going to either have to get my toothbrush from dad's and bring it down here next time I'm moving from one to the other, or get myself a new one.

I could sell my TV and buy a new toothbrush with it. Coz let's face it, my TV is probably worth about £2:00.

I'm writing some porn just at the moment. Well a'ite, it's not exactly in the porn part. But it's leading there. The world needs much more Smavies, and I don't think i've ever read a full on sexual smavies.

Obvs smavies is always sexual. But you know what I mean. Incase you're wondering, smavies is Sean/Matt from The Blackout. TBO fiction is terribly limited on here, as is lostprophets or Kids in glass houses... general welsh, really. Which is a shame coz welsh pwns.

I'm so ill. I'm sat on my sofa, laptop on lap, childrens blanket around me, looking like complete shite. BLEH.


I cant die, this story isn't finished yet.
As the lightbulb says, Peace Cheese.
September 30th, 2008 at 02:52pm