Good Stories Anyone?

I'm looking for a good story to read.

It can be about pretty much anything that is more on the original side. From MCR to vampires to The Outsiders stories, I'll read it if it's good.

Please don’t recommend a story that is written in shorthand/chat speak, uses an immature command of language -like: The man took her hand-, I need more detailed sentences -The man's slender fingers wrapped around the girl's small hand gently-.

Only once in a blue moon can I find really good stories that are truly intruding, and I really want to extend my list of those kinds of stories.

Please don't give me something that is truthfully cliché, after a while, it gets annoying. Exclude slash too, it’s not that I have anything against it; it’s just not my preferred genre. That also includes Frerard stories. I love MCR, but not Frerard.

I won’t bash anybody, so don’t worry.

Looking forward to your stories!

P.S., if you want, you can go check out my story ‘The Human Vampire’ and tell me what you think.

Thanks- Tune
September 30th, 2008 at 08:35pm