The Wednesday Wonders And Everyday Hassles Of A Sixteen Year Old. =S

It's Wednesday.
The middle of the week =]
I have an inset day on friday so therefore it is the penultimate day of my educative week.

I thought I'd write a journal as I haven't actually written one yet and the word 'Journal' was staring at me as I was editing my profile just now.

I'm about to go out in about half an hour.
I'm also out tomorrow, friday, saturday and next tuesday.
This journal is bland and boring at the moment....


There we go. =]

Much betterrr. ♥

I feel better now too. My page is much happier!

I don't know what else to write. Yay.
Life at the moment is utterly confusing but as usual still ah-mazing thanks to all my friendies whom I love muchly.

Bai <3
October 1st, 2008 at 07:33pm