October 1st!!!!! I promise after the first paragrah i will go back to normal!!!!

Hello Head bangers!!!
I am goign to say that I can't stand politics!! i had to watch the debate between Obama and McCain yesterday and fell asleep right after 5 mins had gone by. Every debate always sems to be the same. I am pro choic I am SOOOO against it... blah blah blah They also always say hey I will bring change so don't pick that stupid idealist over there in lala land. ya know? So Obama is a african american who has no experience &is a democrat.... and McCain is the "bush replica", who was in vietnam & is a republican. So we have really great choices....Obama the one who proaubly doesn't know what he is getting into (but who does) and McCain whom makes me recall somebody who always talked about his 3 purple hearts.....what do you people think??? and How am i going to stay awake long enough to pass my goverment class???

have u people noticed i have been doing alot of repeating !!!!!, and ????? but no periods or anything singular at the end??? I think I have a proublem??? what 2 do what 2 do!! anyway i feel like i am going to explode with the drama ramble that my friends keep putting me in! such as:
~should I date him OMG but we dated before and he totally dumped my for that skinny blonde model type
~I am freaking out that he might not like me (girlfriend) ---- i hope she doesn't hate me (the boyfriend)
~ Lynx what pick up line is better: 1) If you were something on the Mcdonalds menu you would be McGorgeous(sp???) 2) Are you dating some one if no are you taking applications???

If you guys can help me with the last 2 I would be most grateful and if you need to talk or what not just comment cuz I really would like to help!

October 2nd, 2008 at 03:54am