Ireland SUCKS!

so anyone else who lives in Ireland would know that the weather here is well... shit. Seriously, it was recorded that it rained EVERYDAY from june-the end of august.

So anyways, due to this crappy weather I've had to put up with for my whole life, I'm now sick.
I've got this problem where I get sick at least once a month... I hate this country.
It's just damp and cold, I really don't see how anybody can enjoy it.

Seriously, all you foreign people that aren't from here are lucky. You might think the fields and different shades of green in the mountains and the ruins of the castles from 100's of years ago look nice (and yeah, they are... when it's sunny!) but seriously... the weather just sucks.
I mean... I love the rain, heck I probably do prefer it then the sun to be honest, but when it rains everyday, you do kind of get sick of it.
Walking to school in the rain, sitting in school all day in damp clothes then walking home in the rain... it's not good for anyone.

I know for one, I'm leaving this country as soon as I can when I become old enough to get out of school.

Well sorry for my little rant...
October 2nd, 2008 at 10:16am