'Friends with benefits'

Okay so Lauren and Jenny are best friends
and i used to be really close with Lauren...
then some stuff happened and we're still close just not like "tell each other everything' kind of close anymore
and im really good friends with jenny aswell [shes just hillarious and a great friend tbh]

Anyway lauren had been going out with this guy Andy for just over a year
until she ended it with him cause he was juse being a bit of a cock tbh
and they did have quitw a few arguments
they did like 'everything' if you get what i mean by that ;)

Anyway so she broke up with him and was like "i'm so happy, i'm so happy"
so i was like "well are you really?"
and she said "no, but im going to be" which we could all tell she wasnt really
Jenny also had a boyfriend that she had been wanting to dump for a while but he wouldnt let her do it so she kept going out with him
but since lauren broke up with andy
lauren was like "right you have to dump Carl now because then we can be single together, and i need to find a new guy, any ideas?"
which kinda pissed jenny off because even though she had been trying to dump carl for ages it was annoying that now luaren was single didnt mean jenny had to be, like jenny was single for most of the year when lauren and andy were going out, and she was left out so ya know not really fair is it?

then tuesday i think it was she comes up to me and goes "I really miss him, what do i do?"
and i was like "but you know he told Cassie everything you said about her when you were pissed off?"
and then she was really pissed off with him and was depressed for the rest of the day cause she missed him but was pissed of with him
so she asked me to talk to him on msn that night
which i did after my boyfriend had left
and i asked what she wanted me to ask andy
which was whether he missed her
and he said he didnt know cause it hadnt been long enough
which is fair enough
then we were jsut talking about other stuff cause we're kinda friends

Then the next day i get into school and was talking to jenny and she said that lauren was going round asking people for money to buy andy ice cream because he had a sore throat and she was going round there tonight

then jenny and lauren were talking and luren said that her and andy were going to be "friends with benefits"
which pissed jenny off because all jenny ever does is look out for lauren, and we all know that this "friends with benefits" thing is not going to work out
so jenny and lauren ended up having an argument
and jenny was like "so youre just gonna go round there and have the occasional shag with him"
and lauren was all "nooo its not like that"
but yeah they had an argument which resulted in them not talking
but because jenny is so nice she ended up ending the argument so that her and lauren were talking again, even though she was still pissed off with lauren

I cant tell anyone about the whole "friends with benefits" thing because lauren told jenny in privacy
but still i know shes gonna end up getting hurt with this whole thing

and it just screams WHORE at me

sorry for the boring journal i just feel like shes screwing up so much and i worry about her tbh
even though shes quite an attention seeker and jenny has said a few times...
October 2nd, 2008 at 08:23pm