Public schoolers don't know how to socialize.

The ones around where I live don't, anyway. I have arrived at this conclusion due to several events that have recently taken place, one of which occurred yesterday. I shall share this event with you.

First off, I am homeschooled, and I am very proud of it, especially after yesterday. I used to go to a private school, then to public school, and from there, I was and still am homeschooled. You see, yesterday, I along with other teenagers volunteered at a local health fair in order to earn some college volunteer hours. Well, so there I was, standing at a table where all the teen volunteers were.

I was amazed at how terrible they were at socializing.

There were only two girls there that were both public schooled and able to socialize with people outside of their own clique. They were open to hearing about homeschooling and were able to talk to me and adults that were there.

The rest of those teenagers were only able to socialize with teens they already knew from their school and could not for the life of them talk to me or anyone else outside of their clique.

And they say homeschoolers can't socialize. There I was, along with two other homeschooled kids, and we were talking to each other, we TRIED talking to the public schooled teens who couldn't and wouldn't talk to us or anyone else outside of their "clique", and we were also able to converse with the adults comfortably. Heck, I got along with the college kids that were there more than kids my own age, and I find that funny because I was THE ONLY ONE WILLING to TRY to talk to them! They wouldn't talk to the homeschoolers OR the adults because they apparently lack the social skills they always say I lack. It's just so stupid it's funny.

Maybe it's this area where I am, or maybe it's that public schoolers point fingers in the wrong places.

Maybe they're the ones that can't socialize.

I say this because I was talking to everyone else there. Other teens that were homeschooled, adult organizers, college students that were there -- heck, I even played DDR with one of the college kids and I had a great time.

It's just funny that a homeschooler -- you know, a person who SO CAN'T SOCIALIZE -- is able to socialize better than a public schooler.

I can honestly say that I am proud that I am not a part of the public school system. Not this one, anyway.
October 4th, 2008 at 07:20pm