The Most Infuriating Thing EVER

You know what's really the most frustrating thing in the world...Being so unbelievably PISSED at someone, and yet knowing that the second that you see them you're going to melt and go soft on them. I really, really, really hate that.

All I want is to be mad at the damn boy for all that he's put me through, and yet I know that when I walk into school tomorrow all mad at him he's going to come up and say hi and I'm not going to be able to do anything to stop myself from melting and forgiving him. Then everyone who I've told is going to get shitty at me for forgiving him because he's not 'treating me as good as I'm treating him'. Ugh...They won't get it...I love him...That's the problem I think...

Anyone got ANY suggestions on what they would do? Please...?
October 5th, 2008 at 06:12am