
Sorry I haven't been truely on(too lazy to log off the site)lately. I'm still alive, but I've been busy with school work, dance, after school club, and more. Bullying issue's getting worse. Someone tried setting my bookbag on fire on 9/12 during my 3rd period class and has left me a little less trusting to those I go to school with. The person that did it has yet to be caught(still). A group of guys that go to my school are also hitting on me just to harrass me.

With my 1st story, I've hit the point of MAJOR writer's block that can't be reversed. I'm afraid to say I'll no longer be updating the story anymore(sorry to those that I selected to be the girlfriends for 4 out of the 5 Horrors members). I got a new story going through my head that I'll post ASAP. As soon as I get it started and written out a little, I'll be asking people if they want to be in it(Alll I'm gonna say is that it features The Horrors and My Chemical Romance so far). I'll be looking for a Co-Writer soon as I get the first chapter posted! When I decide, the co-writer must message me the chapter they want to add to the story for me to give it a thumbs-up though.

Turning 16 on Columbus Day this year! I'm gonna try and get my driver's permit!

If ANY of yous have a myspace and want to be friends on their, my link's http://www.myspace.com/mcrfan101392

Will post again soon everyone! Talk to yous soon!
October 5th, 2008 at 04:57pm