I'm Back....Again

Hey there everyone!

I have returned once again. I’m planning on putting my previous stories back up once more along with a new one that I have recently been working on. I hope to get back in the swing of things as soon as possible; however I have a bit of a cold right now. So, we shall see what happens within the next few days. I’ll defiantly put up the first “chapters” of each of the stories though and see how that goes.

The more comments and subscriptions I get, the more inspired I usually am to write. Actually, I shouldn’t say it that way exactly. What I should say, is the more comments and subscriptions, the more inspired I am to post. Because you see, I’m always writing something, but I don’t always post it. I like to know when/if people are reading what I’ve written. I like it even more so when I know that they’ve enjoyed it. So, let me know!

Oh, and another thing, I LOVE making new friends. So, feel free to chat with me at any time. I’m also a very good listener, so if you ever want/need to vent about something, I’ll be here to listen and give the best advice that I can.

Last note: I’m glad to be back and I can’t wait to get back to reading everyone’s pieces of work!!
October 5th, 2008 at 06:20pm