making out

okay,this friday night,my boyfriend asked me to a dance.
now we sat down on the bleachers,and he leaned in to kiss me.
so i did the same as always i gave him a quick kiss on the lips.
he said i could kiss him longer if i wanted to,so i kissed him for 5 seconds.
now i didnt know that he ment we could make out. its not my fault ive never been kissed
so when he asked me if we were gonna make out the lightbulb went on.
i responded with a yes,and he leaned in to kiss me,but when we started i bite his lip.
i freaked and ran to hang with my two other friends who came.
about thirty minutes later,me and him were alone again.
after my friend said not to worry it will come when it comes.
well while we were alone,my boyfriend told me that i dont need to worry he wouldnt
pressure me into anything and that he loved me.
well we kissed quick, then again,and again.then all the sudden i guess it came.
because we made out .
now i cant beleive it happened.i cant sleep and if i do i wake up only to ask
myself if that was a it was not it was real.
October 5th, 2008 at 11:24pm