Journal Two

Wow so this is my second time try to post journal two the first time it got erased and after it was erased I was annoyed and decided not to. Now though I shall try a second time. Okay so my friend told me they delete your stuff if the grammer isn't right and I think crap. You know why because grammer is not one of my strong suits at all. In fact Im horrible at writing. So why do I have a mibba you ask? Well to put it simply its because I like ranting and i thought this journal spot would be a good place. It is by the way.
Is this silly probably not.Oh sorry I was drawn into reading that red message again. So some people joined my website which Im happy about. Im glad there are friendly people out there. I myself am usually not all that friendly but when someone is nice to me of course I'm friendly back.
You know alot of people are very superficial. I myself am not I'll be friends with whoever or at least attempt but but Ive noticed that some people think their better then everyone and have the right to judge them. Today good example this girl ive been talking to on mibba tells me to put up a picture of myself so Im like okay whatever. so i put one up. then she comments me oh im disapointed jk jk lol as if saying just kidding makes it okay like if I made bomb threats on a bank then told the cops "im just kidding" Im fairly certain Id be in trouble. So to everyone reading this dont be superficial be more then that, be better then that, be an individual. Judge people on their personalities you make the best friends that way.

October 6th, 2008 at 12:34am