People suck

I hate when people lie.
I hate when people pretend to be your friend.
I hate when people lie to other to people.
I hate when I find out things from different people.
I hate feeling betrayed.
I hate that I thought we could work this out, now I don't think we can.

We've known each other for how long? And this is how you treat me? I can't... err. I'm so angry, that I'm actually crying. Ever since Pat died, I've been in this funk, and I've been stressed out, and sick and trying to stay on top of school work, WORK is pissing me off, but ahhh. I need a vacation, a real one. Somewhere far away.

If anyone of you want to know the fully, message me, and I'll gladly tell you, because I want some advice. Thanks.
October 6th, 2008 at 03:45am