Twilight-- Someone please call 911. NOW! (;

A comment I left for someone that asked me to tell them how I liked Twilight once I finished it:
Hey! I'm finishing up the epilogue for Twilight. (;. I LOVE it so fucking much! Honestly. I'm glad I bought it; For so long I put if off because one: I hate romance novels; and two: Vampire stories weren't really in my alley. Now I'm close to having a heart attack or stroke from reading it-- I think that's good, if you think of it the way I am. Lmfao. It's the only book, that I can recall, that has made my heart beat so fast it felt as if I was going to faint, and nearly brought me to tears. I don't even need to finish the epilogue. I already KNOW that I love this book so much and I'm glad I bought it; I'm also glad my heart is starting to beat normally and that I'm still breathing. ;-).

That's all true! I am finishing the epilogue after I log off. i know I sound like a nut and that I must take some books too seriously; oh well! I honestly love this book.; I kept imagining myself as Bella, in her situations; that's probably what made my heart race so much. I admit I felt a little stab of fear, but only for half of the book towards the end. The tears almost crawled down my cheeks because Edward is so sweet, caring, romantic, and just by reading; very hot! I can't wait for the movie! I need visuals! Not that my over active imagination and power to have awesome dreams isn't enough. I had a semi-psychic dream about what I read in the book today.

I remember being a a gigantic, beautiful house; like Edwards. I was staying with someone; in my mind during the dream, I thought he was a psychologist. Now that I think about it, he seemed genuinely concerned about me and seemed to love me very much; god I wish that could happen in real life. Anyways. I had gotten up to use the bath room, when I entered the

small, stuffy, and dark cube that smelt of toilet water and soap, an unbelievable wave of fear slowly crept over me; from my freezing toes, all the way up to my aching head. I heard someone in the bathroom with me; an evil being. I turned around cautiously, and saw a tall, wide, dark figure standing a few inches in front of me. I heard him breathing heavily and growling. I forget what he said to me, but it was scary. I knew it was a vampire. I was scared shitless, and didn't know what to do. He lunged towards me, i let out a blood curdling scream; I woke up.

The dream then switched to my house. i had become lucid at point ( you become aware that you're dreaming, and at some point, you can gain control and do things only your dream self could ever do: flying, walk on water, teleport, all those) I lost lucidity at some point, and remember walking towards the front door. My Mom was worried about me, and I seemed okay. I was going on a date with the some one that drove a peculiar lookin vehicle, like hte off road jeep in Twilight.


The second dream, to me, almost resembled when Bella was leaving her house for a "date" with Edward; her Dad was worried, yet happy; Bella comforting him as she made her way out the door. That's exactly what it was like; I had that dream before I even read that part.

The first, I am not really sure. Maybe a jumble of events in the story. Like when James was about to take Bella's life.

God it's so freaky!

Anyways.. I can't think properly anymore.

The only parts that annoyed me was how it can seem repetitive; Wake up, school, talk with friends, go home. All those. I was hoping, early on in the book, that she would go to more places outside of forks. Other than the beach, and on her girls night out with Jessica and Angela while they shopped for dresses.

I still love it.

I'm going to shush now because my stomach hurts at the moment, which causes my brain to side track and make myself sound like a complete moron while I type. Heh.

October 7th, 2008 at 12:37am