We're all so self obsessed....and Jonas Obsessed....

This site has become over obsessed with slagging off bands its pathetic. Who cares if you think that Joe Jonas' eyebrows repulse you? Who is intrested in a fifty paragraph rant about the way Pete Wentz' comb-over makes you throw up? Seriously people! We have bigger things to worry about than some crap ass bands being slagged off just because you can't stand their 'whiny voices'. Come on, Nuclear weapons, Ozone layer depletion, Ice Caps melting and War.... and all you guys care about is annoying some teenage girls about their weird fantasies.

We know Nick Jonas sounds like a girl!
We know Joe Jonas' eyebrows look like Charlie Simpson from Busted's, multiplied with a Large Hadron Collider.
and No...I don't care if you think Kevin Jonas is ugly. I could say the same about Gerard Way. Eurgh.

Honestly people.

Write journals about nice things. Like, how your stomach flips when you see a guy you like. How much you like a new song by that band no ones ever heard of. Write about how crap your day was if you please but for the love of IQ stop writing about The Jonas Brothers and how crap they are.

.... Now, off to eat more Greek Yogurt.
I'm cultured you know?

October 7th, 2008 at 10:53pm