A little ranting, a little truth, and too much Alaska

So, with band eating away at my soul, Sarah Palin trying to eat my soul and steal all of my rights, and LGBTQ history month in the process, I thought I was over-due to write something.

Well, first things first, how's everyone doing? I miss mibba. :(

Secondly, have you ever had something worse than deja vu? Like something was trying to predict your future? Well, I ran smack into that at my local library this week. I'm perusing all of the banned books they own (my library pwns all) and I picked up "Annie on my Mind" b/c I had read "The Year They Burned the Books" by Nancy Garden and wanted to read something else by her. I knew it was about lesbians so that didn't catch me off guard. What did catch me off guard though was the fact that it practically paralleled me and my friend's life. Seriously. She is basically a carbon copy of Annie (dark hair, dark eyes, singer, etc. etc) and I'm exactly like Liza (short brownish hair, wants to go to MIT, younger brother, unsure of herself a lot, etc. etc.). Plus, the personalities as a whole were just so freaking alike that we both agree that it's pretty scary.

Thirdly, Sarah Palin makes me throw up a little in my mouth everytime she speaks. She's homophobic, pro-"life", and has about as much executive experience as my pet rock. She is forcing her daughter to marry her boyfriend who got her pregnant as to "uphold the sanctity of marriage" and disagrees with abortion although studies show that abortion actually helps out with that in the long run. Further, she never answered any of the questions asked at the debate. She just gave out cute little sayings ("Say it ain't so Joe!") and said how she and John McCain were Mavericks at least a trillion times. She talks about tolerating homosexuality when everyone knows her stance on the subject is that she doesn't agree with it and really is adverted to it. The closest she's probably ever come to tolerating homosexuality is watching Ellen without making a comment on what she's wearing.

Fourthly, my left rib cage hurts like hell anytime I have to lie down or stand up straight and hurts for a while afterwards as well. I don't know what's wrong but something's been up for about a year now and it's starting to get worse. That plus, Mandy has every disease known to man-kind and can't sleep b/c of her medicine so she's usually pretty jacked up by the time she gets to school in the morning. Oh, and did I mention that one of my best friends for 9 years just found out that she has severe scoliosis and will have to get surgury soon? So everyone in Bekah-land is messed up, sick, and/or sore.

Fiftly, I keep having all these questions bouncing around in my head. Questions of lust and fancying, of my future and of my past, and of falling hopelessly in love and not being able to tell anyone. Ugh, I need to start sorting through all of this crap.

Well, to end on a high note, last week was Banned Books Week, this month's LGBTQ history month, and next month is NaNoWriMo which I will be attempting for the first time.


♥ Beckers
October 8th, 2008 at 06:01am