Gerard Way or Wil Francis: Who's Hotter?

Okay so I'm taking a little poll to see who's hotter.

Gerard Way or Wil Francis.

I've posted this poll on several websites and I always get the same results, which is a little creepy, and they always end up with Gerard and Wil almost having the same points...and then someone feels the need to vote for someone more than once and mess me up. So I don't have any idea who they think is hotter.

Honestly, they're both gorgeous and ubber sexy. But Gee has really hot eyes and cute thighs while Wil has this mysterious vibe...which is hot. So I can't choose.

So I'm asking you, Mibba, to help me out and vote for your man!!


P.S. - Can't decide? You can always choose both.

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October 8th, 2008 at 07:25am