random ramblings TWO~

8th October
Cold and windy :(

Ugh, school started. How horrible. For the past couple of day, Melbourne's weather was shit, and when the weather is shit, I tend to get moody and depressed :d

Anyway, it was cold and windy and so not Spring. Like, hello? What happened to the sun?
Gosh, sometimes I wished I lived in QLD or somewhere warmer. Or somewhere with more consistent weather.

That's all I wanted to say, but I dont think Mibba would let me post this cause clearly it isn't 100 words...yet :L

Bleh; how can I even put effort in my journals when the weather is so horrible; not that I do normally, but never mind that.

The only thing that made me LOL was my friends' PRS class. Do you guys have PRS. You know Philosophy and Religious Studies. God, I wish I was in my friends' PRS class. Their teacher is so clueless and never turns up in half the lessons.
When she does turn up, she gives them long lectures and doesn't even teach them about the things they need to know.
I think they're going to fail their end-of-year exam :)

I shall write a transcript of one of their classes one day and tell you all :)
hmm, I think that's 100+ words

catch ox
October 8th, 2008 at 12:35pm