Journal Three

So I started wondering why I number these journal things then I realized its cause I'll lose track of them if I dont. So today I had drivers ed and on the test we just had I got a 22 out of 36 so I'm still not sure if I passed. Why did he use a grading scale like that its just not that even the word I want? oh well so today my dad let me drive the jeep and park it in the driveway (yeah I know not a large distance but oh well) I'm not even sure how to drive. I couldve killed someone. but luckily I did an awesome job. At least to my knowledge. So now I should be writing some sort of anatomy paper but oh well. yay for procrastination. hmmm well I want to write more but I'm afraid if I do it will be silly spam :P

October 9th, 2008 at 12:48am