i hate high school, one second things are great and the next it feel like a bird has taken away everything happy so fast that you couldn't even reach to grasp it back.

im a dramatic person but i don't have alot of drama n my life, why? because i dont care... ever but when i do care and i truly and am sorry ill have a dramatic reaction such as this.

because i do care and now i feel like my stomach is twisting from side to side (besides the stomach ache) and tearing apart.

because i made a accident mistake that just cost a friendship form who knows how long.

i don't cry ever but when i actually care and i actually am hurt and not just wanting attention i do cry...especially if i care.

isnt it weird how something so simple so small for one person can be a world blown up for another ? and isnt even worse when that other person cant help but aim the bomb back?

but thats life, the sad truth thats freaking life so what do we do, complain alittle take a breath an bite the bullet because even the simplest gun can blow you away.

so now that i have complained i will take a breath bite the bullet and wait

why ?

because i care.

im just saying ....

October 9th, 2008 at 03:20am