
he's so perfect, so all around good.
so cute, a natural sweetheart.
and i hate him.

grumph. bad mood. math homework to be done. ten thirty. great, here goes another hour of time, blogging away at useless points that no one even cares about or reads. ah, well, cant stop it so might as well go with it. was to day really wednesday? i cant believe it. so much has happened yet it feels like so little and now has me con fused inside.

guess what? i found my ideal buddy, who believes in things i do. i have never in my life met anyone who believes these thing but me, and now her.

1. true love is a lie people feed you.
2. the sweetest thing in life is seeing an elderly couple holding hands.
3. marrying is plain out stupid (especially if you are prone to divorce).

i dont believe in love; its impossible for me to love. i dont think it exists.
i dont want to get married or have my own kids. no. instead, i'm going to adopt two chinese girl orphans, and raise them in vienna. i'm going to get a good degree, and work in an orchestra after spending good years in drum corp. and i really do think the sweetest thing in life is seeing an elderly couple holding hands. i mean, after so many years, they're stil together and like each other so much, then thats got to be the closest thing to love we humans are capable of. problem is, i havent found anyone my age who is... oh well.

oh and i found a ton of new music, so in that aspect im good to go. i got like a zillion new songs i love. which is always good.

die dominic. i wanted timpani on ukrania, and now i shall hold an everlasting grudge for it, and shall shoot you in my later years, and wil not care what happenes next, for my heart shall be content.

wow that was mean. but sadly, true.

well, gotta go finish those thing thing things... uhh...polygon angle postulate-y things.
October 9th, 2008 at 04:39am