William Beckett Interview.

Okay, first of all.

- I did this interview last year, and as I've mentioned before, I wasn't that into The Academy Is... so excuse the lack of originality in the questions. Also, I was a pretty crappy, unoriginative person back then, so yeah.

- Yes, this is real. It's all real.

- No, I don't believe I can 'hook you up' with William Beckett. I only got this interview because of his girlfriend, and you really think I'm going to mess that up for them? Even if I don't really talk to them anymore, she's lovely. You'd all really like her. :)

- I don't care if it seems like this is all Wikipedia'd or whatever. Read above, it's real. I'm not some crazy fan girl that wastes her time looking up answers so that she can post fake interviews.

- This is while they were on their tour, last year.

Anyway, my lovely interview with William Beckett.

How did you get your band's name?

Well, we were originally called The Academy but there was a band already established with the name. So since we really like it, and had t-shirts and CDs and stuff, we just added the Is... to legalise everything.

Are you all really good friends?

We are all amazing friends. Adam and I have known each other since high school. I was in a band with Adam's older brother. Mike and I started out as rivals on the Chicago music scene, but after talking to each other and getting to know each other we realised we both shared an amazing passion for music and started this band, Chiz was the guitarist for Butch Walker's badn, and Butch produced our second album Santi, so we met Chiz a few years ago through him. The Butcher was friends with our former guitarist, Tom.

Are there little fights sometimes?

We have little brotherly fights but never anything major. We have all learned to get along and respect each other's space.

How did you get your first big break?

We haven't really had our 'big break,' but we started getting bigger when we toured with our friends in Fall Out Boy, Midtown, and Panic! At The Disco. We also give a lot of credit to The Vans Warped Tour for helping us spread our music.

Is your music aimed at anyone/anything in particular?

Our music is for everyone. We want everyone to be able to listen to our music and embrace it in their own way. It's like are, everyone interprets it their own way. We want people to listen to our records and be able to help them get through hard times or just have a good time.

Who writes the lyrics and who writes the music?

I write the lyrics and the whole band gets together to do the music.

How's your tour going?

The Sleeping With Giants Tour just started, but it's going great.

Why did you choose Fueled By Ramen for a recording company?

We chose Fueled By Ramen because our friend Pete Wentz got us on the label, He was a great help and the label treats us all amazingly. Everyone on the label is family.

What plans [if any] do you have for the next year?

I plan, if possible, to slep a lot for the next year. Much needed sleep. But that won't happen.

Do you enjoy touring?

I love touring because I love bringing my music all over the world and being able to get with the fans. There is no reater feeling than singing your songs and hearing your fans sing back.

Who and what inspires you?

I get inspired by everyday life. My songs are a reflection of my life. I get a lot of influence from bands like Led Zeppelin, The Doors, and U2.

And to finish it off... What is your favourite colour? [:D Couldn't help myself..]

My favourite colours and blues and reds. [laughs]
October 9th, 2008 at 09:25am