Wanted: A Real, True, Loyal Partner In Crime.

I need a best friend. Bit of a wierd thing to say, but 15, and I don't have a real best friend. Everyone else in my year has one special friend that they do everything with, and then some close friends after that. I just kinda end up floating between different groups of friends. Like a love hobo or something.

I used to have one. Phoebe. Loved her to bits, still do. People couldn't refer to one of us without mentioning the other, and I really liked best friend-ness. Then our friendship group had a fall out, and I was the one pushed out.

Everyone I've tried to make good friends with since already has someone. Lorna and Jess. Haleigh and Ebby. Kate and Emily. Zoe and Michelle. I want what they have, a real friend who's always there with you.

My MUMMY says that it's good to have a few close friends, instead of one amazing friend. But it's really not! I no longer have one specific friend or friendship group, and that means I know longer have an identity. Friends represent who you are, and if you are kinda friends with lots of people, but not really good friends with anyone, then you're just a bit of a loner really.

So here it is. A massive request for someone to be my very best best friend. Love me, and be loved in return.
October 9th, 2008 at 11:39am