Au Sujet De: Life, Me, School, My Boyfriend, Homophobes at School.

Well, I really have haven't I? Sorry. I've been caught up in life and stuff and I guess I forgot to come on here, but I haven't forgotten anyone, promise *crosses heart*. Still willing for chats anytime of course, since I am planning on making this a complete return.

For any reading this who don't know me, My name is Eric, I'm almost 18 (exciting right!?... or not) and I am currently residing in England, :D

Anyways, I found a couple of comments on my profile, and one of them asked how I was... so, I figured I'd let you know.

I've started doing my A-Levels and the workload is a bunch of crap. Fact. I'm taking French, German, English Lit and Art, as well as a course in Japanese, so my languages are already driving me mental.

I'm still with Will and, thank God, things are way more relaxed with us now. We're pretty comfortable with where our relationship and all that. Both of our families are aware of it all, and so are everybody at school. The parental units are cool with it, but we've had some shit from people at school about it. Fortunately we've amassed a small army of female friends who all want 'gay best friends' (fudged if I know why us coming out makes us suddenly amazing friend material... O_o), but they're pretty nice, and they think Will and me are (I quote) 'so sweet together', so, all is good.

Umm... news news... let me think... oh, we did have some problems a little while ago, because Will's brother got into a fight at a club somewhere or other and got into some shit because of it, leaving Will and him under 'house arrest' for a week or so, cause their parents were a bit pissed off, but I went 'round anyways, and watched TV and stuff, so no problems there. His brother isn't allowed in said club anymore though...

Life is grand, and, unfortunately, I have got work due in tomorrow that I haven't finished.

Anyways, if you already know me or have chatted to me before (you know who you are girls, :P though... I think there were a couple of guys... O_o) then drop me a line, I've missed you all, believe me or not, specially my li'l JoBro fan and Finn, XD If I don't already know you... then never mind, here's your chance to introduce yourself! :)

(PS. Does anyone read Death Note?)
October 9th, 2008 at 11:34pm