Well thats just a tad embarrassing

Okay so the other day my beeest friend came round after school cause we were going to go help out at open evening at school and we decided to go round my house cause we finished school early and it gave us stuff to do before we had to go back.

So mother had a bought us a pizza to have for tea [it was huuuge like we were gonna eat all that]
also chocolate cake [its our thing, we have cake when we meet up, its a must have thing (; ]
Anyway so we're sat there eating our pizza and my mother and brother are in the room
and we were all just talking about stuff
and i dont remember how we got onto it but my mother brought up this guy called elliot
he went to my junior school and im not going to deny it.. i had a massive crush on him from year 3 to year 6. but we were quite good friends and had a lot of laughs
anyway the conversation went something like this:

Mother: Elliots mum used to admire you
Me: Isn't that like a bit paedophilliac?
Mother: -laughs- no no, she used to think that you two would have very beautiful babies
Me: O_O
Brother: B-but to have babies you have to have...sex!
-everyone laughs-

i would like to point out my brother is 14 [he's my twin]
and hes a total retard
but still
it was so embarrassing
there was also alot of mentionings of things me and brother did when we were little

and there is "the story" as it is now known
Its THE most embarrassing story ever about me
and my brother finds it hillarious to tell people
although i have stopped him telling lots of people
he decided to tell charlie -.-
he wont let it rest, he keeps bringing it up, its horrible
Brother uses the story as like blackmail sometimes
so i really need to think of a story about him thats really embarrassing
the only thing i have atm is the time he wore my swimming costume
[we were little it was acceptable back then (; ]

ahhh i miss the younger years
October 10th, 2008 at 03:45pm