random ramblings THREE~

Saturday :)
Sunny (Y)
Like the perfect Spring sunny (H)

Wow, today is such a good day for me (:
It's warm and sunny and Springlike and it's the weekends [:

So, I shall start this journal entry with a random fact:
Sometimes I feel bad writing my journal entries...

They're so un-worthwhile and happy - too happy :L

I read like a few journal entries lately and it's all about depression
And when I read it, I feel bad because my life seems so much more happier than there's
And so I decided to comment them and give them "advice" that probably is never that helpful
and then I feel worse because I realise I dont have the right to give them advice cause most of the time I've never been in those situations
And the more I think about it, the worse I feel and then a few minutes later, I get over it :]

See how un-caring I seem? And ignorant?
Okay, now I'm starting to feel bad again...
and I'm feeling worse now because I realise this journal entry was suppose to be happy and here I am complaining...
And now I'm feeling worse because I sound like those depressed journals D:

So I shall end my random ramblings right here...

and since I started my journal entry with a random fact, I shall end this with random fact(s) to:
- The sun is nice and warm and I might to go out and walk around the block :)
- I'm thining: "Gee, I'm over feeling bad already?"
- This is the end of my random ramblings and if this isn't 100+ words, I will be super pissed :@

catch (L)
October 11th, 2008 at 02:11am