My First Stories

DO NOT STEAL!!!!!!!!!

Okay so I was bored and decided to type up the book I have of my first stories.
I was 7/8 'cause my birthday's in September.
Grade 2.
Story title is underlined with story underneath.
There is no order - as in I don't know the writing order - but the first one is my favourite. After that it's just free-for-all.
WARNINGS INCLUDE: Nudity and puppies having sex. :cute:
Oh and Lincoln was and still is one of my best friends. XD
Oh and some of the grammar is dodge because when I was eight-years-old I wasn't pro.


Going To Mars
CHAPTER 1 - Arriving: One day a rocket was ready for launch. The astronauts had not been picked. The volunteers were Luke, Aaron and some twins, Emily and Lincoln. They were all so good that tehy all got picked. When they got to Mars, Lincoln said "We must be on the wrong planet because this planet is very red." Emily said "You never were very good at school." "Wasn't he?" asked Luke. "No or else he would know Mars was called the red planet." Lincoln pushed Emily. Emily pushed Lincoln outside. "Accccccccccchhhhhhhhhhhh!"

CHAPTER 2 - Danger: Luke and Aaron laughed but Emily didn't. Lincoln could be annoying but he was her twin too. Unfortunately Lincoln was controlling and the rocket fell on its side. Everyone was in danger. Lincoln fainted! Luke and Aaron screamed. Emily went outside and picked up the rocket. It was heavy but she did it.

CHAPTER 3 - Aliens: They explored Mars. Then some aliens came along. Their names were Grace, Katherine, Andrew and Corey. They decided that Lincoln was bad looking. Corey picked him up. They went away saying "aba aba aba aba." Grace surprised them by speaking English. She said "We will eat him for dinner."

CHAPTER 4 - The Rescue: Emily rescused him. She grabbed Luke and Aaron and they grabbed Grace, Katherine and Andrew. Then Emily notcied that all the other aliens were there but Lincoln and Corey were not. She called Luke. "Hold Andrew." Then without warning she grabbed Corey by his teeth and said "Let him go or else." Corey said "N-O spells no." But Emily didn't give up so easily, "Let go" she screamed at Corey. This startled Corey and he let go.

CHAPTER 5 - Safe: Emily said, "You okay?" "Yeah just a little shaken up" said Lincoln. "Thank God" said Emily. The ride back was for the twins unusually peaceful.
The End.
By Emily.


The Menace Teacher
Once there was a teacher who was French. Her name was Madame Levexe. She was the meanest teacher in the school. Her favourite kid was Joseph. The kids she hated most were the twins, Lincoln and Emily. She was so, so, so mean that she made her class come naked to school except for Joe. That was why the twins hated her. They loved playing tricks on her. They were the naughtiest kids in the school. When they went home one night they read Matilda. They knew that she had killed the principal's father. They studied really hard. Then they used their eyes to put a message up on the board. The teacher died and the class had the best teacher after that.
The End.
By Emily.


National Velvet
Once there was a horse called Velvet. The filly was a show jumper. A sad one! Velvet's dam and sire were dead. Then a doctor stole her from the dealer. She lived in perfect harmony for the rest of her life.


Kitten Fever
Once there was a cat. She liked to have kittens. She had twenty kittens. The something amazing happened. She had the biggest kitten litter ever! She had thirty kittens in the one litter!!! Thirty kittens!!! Unbelievable! Straightaway she started licking them but the owner was a little bit sick and on no
The end.
By Emily.


Once upon a time there was an orphanage. There were fifty kids there. One day a boy cam with his mum. He was called Fred. He fell in love. Fred said "that one thatttttttt one"! her name was Elizabeth. Elizabeth (Who was nicknamed Beth) was relieved. When they adopted her the two were very happy.
The end.
By Emily.


Snowy to the Rescue
Once there was a dog called Snowy. She was a white dog. Too white!! She didn't have any pet shop friends. No one wanted to buy her. Then a lady came along. She needed a white dog, a really white dog. She said to the keeper that Snowy would do the trick. She needed to find a white horse now. When she found the horse it was as white as Snowy. The two were best friends.
The end.
By Emily.


Sandy and Snowy
Once upon a time there was a girl called Sandy and a dog called Snowy. Snowy loved Sandy. She went on walks. They went to the park together. Then Sandy's mum bought a chesnut horse called Macaroni. She still loved Snowy but Snowy didn't know it. She thought that Sandy only loved Mac. Snowy decided that she would take no notice of anything until Sandy took notice of her. She went hungry. She especially took no notice of Mac. Then Sandy became worried about Snowy. She took her to the vet. She was perfect. Then Sandy understood. She was jealous. She took a lot of notice after that and Snowy was happy again.
The end.
By Emily.


Help We're Stuck
Once there was a pair of twins that loved getting dirty. One day Venessa got into some mud. Then it dried up. Venessa screamed "Help." She cried, "I'm stuck in the mud." Claire ran to the house but she loved playing practical joke. Nobody believed her. Finally someone saw Venessa and rescued her.
The end.
By Emily.


My Life as a Bug
One day my mum had a baby. It was me!!! I am a perfect person bug. One day a person tried to squash my best friend called Boris. I quickly turned into the Milky Way and I squashed him! Boris said later that I'd been really brave. One day I was playing Trouble and somebody tried to step into my territory. I didn't have time to change so I jumped up and down on their foot.
The end.
By Emily.


Just Puppy Love
Once tehre was a puppy who lived across the street from another puppy. Their owners were friends. One day they took their dogs on a walk together. They were really cute and their names were Shadow and Surprise. Shadow was a boy and Surprise was a girl. Shadow thought Surprise was a really cute dog. Then Surprise talked to him. She was nice. Shadow wanted to mate. Something Surprise said made him happy. They mated and Surprise had puppies.
The end.
By Emily.
This story was accompanied by a very graphic image for an eight-year-old.


A Star for Lady
A good horse was to Geaorge Ledbetter like a bag of gold. Out of al the horse dealers in town he was the meanest. He sold horse for one hundred dollars. One day he went to a horse sale. He bought a black horse called Lady. When he got home he decided to give Lady a star. He gave Lady her star and then he went to bed. In the morning Lady was waiting for him. When he went into her stall she reared, slashed her hoofs at him, bit him and kille dhim.
The end.
By Emily.


The Annoying Horse Princess
Once upon a time there was an annoying princess. Her name was Madeline. She annoyed her mum. She annoyed her dad. She especially annoyed her sister. Her sister's name was Emily! She was really, really, really, really, really, really, realllllllly annoying. Emily could not stand her. So she went to her best friend Lincoln. He knew a lot of magic. He could pull rabbits out of hats. He could make things appear and disappear. But best of all he could change things into horses. Now EMily loved horses, just loved horses! So Emily asked him to come over to her house at midnight. He asked "why?" Emily explained that she wanted him to change her sister into a horse. She knew from reading so many horse books how to look after her. So Lincoln did it and finally she was free. She loved her sister now.
The end.
By Emily.


I hope you enjoyed.
October 11th, 2008 at 04:56am